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Taameer @Crossroads, SRCC

Source: Taameer Facebook Event

Taameer is a community of youth activists, who are trying to bring a change to the societal norms through art. They organise events, which focus on social issues and attempt to break them through artsy affair, with the help of its team, friends and artists across Delhi. The team members do not call themselves activists, instead they call themselves ARTIVIST. A family that works for a good cause. Rubhen D’sa is the torch bearer of the community. A lad who keeps love before anything.

After organizing several events across Delhi, they are now spreading their wings to the cities outside Delhi. Recently they organized an event in Nainital, Himachal Pradesh, which turned out to be amazingly successful. Not forgetting their roots, Taameer is back with another event in Delhi.

About the event

For the first time they're going to have a stall at CROSSROADS, the annual festival of SHRI RAM COLLEGE OF COMMERCE, University of Delhi. The stall will have few endearing-fancy things for you to take home. Leaving the fest with a huge smile on your face and warmth in your heart, will be an assured experience.

What’s in store for you?

  • Customized and personalized diaries: you can get your own diary calligraphed with your favourite doodle, your name, your best friend’s name, the inspirational quote you live by, favourite movie or TV series dialogue, and your favourite quotes from the books you hold close to your heart. Their team members will do it all in front of you. Because everything deserves a little human touch of emotions.

  • Mystery books: Well! Who doesn’t enjoy some suspense and mystery through? Keeping it cool and yet enigmatic, they’ll have their table covered with novels. The twist here is, they all will be wrapped in beautiful unicorn-coloured chart papers which will make it a little difficult for you to guess what lies inside. The books will have notes on them which will work as a hint, for you to guess about the book until you unwrap it in front of them. Dear god! They have planned a lot of surprise for you.

  • Personalized beer bottles: Now that is something we all love in our rooms, near our favourite place. Making you go all aww on emotions, they will have decorated and hand painted wine and beer bottles. You can also get your buddy’s name written and painted on the bottles. Inviting you to Bond over beautifully-hand-painted bottles.

  • Live music: Because an evening can never end without good music and heart-touching chords. They’ll have few featured upcoming artists from Delhi to make us groove on their beats. Also, they are taking registrations for open mic session. Time for you to come in front and compel us to lend our ears to you.

VENUE: Library lawn, SRCC, University of Delhi.

DATE:March 17- March 20, 2018

TIMINGS: 10 am to 5pm For more details, go to:

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